Originally Published: March 22nd, 2015

Eon Altar is a local multiplayer, cross-platform role-playing game. Players connect their iOS or Android devices to a central PC. The handset device is where players control, manage, and upgrade their character.

I had many roles on Eon Altar. My primary responsibility was as a User Experience Designer. However, due to the small team size I also did the user interface design and UI art. Fortunately, much of the front-end programming was handled by a programmer that worked with me, still, with all the work he had to do, myself and the lead designer ended up programming some of the features ourselves. In short, I had a lot of responsibility and not a lot of time, so it was important to find a style that I could produce quickly, and that would clearly communicate function so players could make fast decisions during gameplay. Working with the Art Director and Lead Designer, we were able to find a style that would satisfy these needs, while also complimenting the work the art team had put into the environment and characters. You can see examples of it below.

This was an exciting challenge for me. A lot of carefully planned design, testing, feedback gathering and iteration went into making this experience as fun, and intuitive, as possible.

For more details please visit the steam store.

  • New Campaign Screen

  • HUD


The UX of Eon Altar


Interface Concept